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In accordance with requirements and conditions of the Workforce Innovation & Opportunities Act and its implementing regulations, the policies of the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania’s Department of Labor, and our Board of Directors, the Bucks County Workforce Development Board solicits program services through a competitive Request for Proposal process.

Eligible applicants include for-profit and non-profit organizations, educational entities, community service providers, and accredited training providers with demonstrable ability and experience in designing, implementing, and administering successful workforce development programs targeted to specific populations.

Instructions or submitting proposals are included in each RFP.  Respondents must complete the proposal package (one original and RFP-specified number of copies) as instructed and submit it without exception by the specified time by or before the due date to the BCWDB office:  1268 Veterans Highway, Bristol, PA.

A Bidders’ Question Submission period is usually advertised six weeks prior to the proposal due date.  Interested applicants are strongly encouraged to email all questions by the required due date.  Answers will be emailed and posted on the website within one week.

Contract awards will only be made to organizations who:

  • Sign and adhere to certifications and regulations as described in the RFP appendices
  • Are in compliance at the time of award, and maintain compliance to, all regulations of the Americans with Disabilities Act and all fiscal regulations under the Single Audit Act.

To be included on the RFP Bidders’ List, please contact Mary Ann Vitale at or 215-874-2800 x100.




RFP – Auditing Services FY19


RFP 18-02 OSY – Out of School Youth

RFP 18-02 Sample Line Item Budget

RFP 18-02 Q&A

RFP 18-01 Virtual Services – Proposal Due Date August 8, 2018

Answers to Virtual Services Proposal

2017 RFP – In School Youth ISY (.pdf Version)

2017 RFP – EARN (.pdf Version)

RFP – One Stop Operator (OSO) – Proposal Due Date 1-23-17

RFP for Title I Employer-Dislocated Worker-Adult Services